Reiki Training

- open your channels -

Reiki is a natural technique of reconnection and circulation of vital energy by hand application.


It assumes that every human being is a carrier of universal energy because he is energy by himself. By consequent he can become a channel of this energy and transmit it to reinvigorate the vital energy of others.


Reiki acts in a natural way with everything that represents a loose in vital energy, fatigue, stress, psychic blockages such as "fear, phobias, anger, jealousy, desire ...". It rebalances the inner forces, harmonizes and relieves physical pains.

Reiki can be used for animals, plants and so to speak, all of which represents energy.


Almost like a meditation session, it is a natural technique for connecting deeply to one's soul. To welcome a healthy spirit in a healthy body.


The training is given in a calm and comfortable atmosphere in my home studio. We provide vegetarian food during lunch break for every day of training.


The training can be given in French, English or english with complete German translation.


1st degree of Reiki in 2 days


Focused on the physical level and self-treatment.


In this training, you will acquire the conscious ability to channel Reiki by laying on of hands. It aims to clean us thoroughly in order to start of building a higher consciousness.



                                             - The origin of Reiki Usui.

                                             - You will learn the basics to conduct a complete

                                                Reiki session and the different areas of the

                                                application of the hands.

                                             - During the 2 days of training you will receive

                                                4 initiations to open your energy channel.

                                             - and much more (chakra, aura ...)


A complete explanatory booklet will be provided.

At the end of these 2 days of training you will receive the official certification

of 1st degree of Reiki.


Without exception at the end of these two days everyone will know how to use Reiki.


It will follow a 21 days of self-treatment for you which I strongly recommend for a deep assimilation of your 1st degree of Reiki.


costs: 150 €  (2 days) *

next dates here

or on request


information and sign in:



2nd degree of Reiki in 1 day


Focused on the mental and emotional level.



                                             - Exchange about your 1st degree Reiki experience so far.

                                             - The first 3 symbols of Reiki,

                                                their meaning, their effect and their use.

                                             - The distance reiki with and without rock crystal

                                             - You will receive another initiation.


A complete explanatory booklet will be provided.

At the end of this training you will receive the official certification

of the 2nd

degree of Reiki.


costs: 200 € *

next dates here

or on request


information and sign in:



3rd degree of Reiki Master in 1 day


Focused on the plane of the spiritual soul and health



                                             - Exchange about your 1st and 2nd degree

                                                Reiki experience so far.

                                             - The 4th symbol of the reiki master,

                                                its meaning, its effect and its use.

                                             - You will receive the last initiation.


A complete explanatory booklet will be provided.

At the end of this training you will receive the official certification

of the 3rd degree of Reiki Master


costs: 300 € *

dates on request


information and sign in:



3rd degree of Reiki Master Teacher in 1 day


Focused on teaching Reiki.



                                             - Exchange about your Reiki experience as a

                                               whole until now.

                                             - The 5th and last symbol of Reiki,

                                                its meaning, its effect and its use.

                                             - To become a teacher

                                             - built your own business

                                             - Teaching initiation step by step by practicing.

                                             - And much more…


A complete explanatory booklet will be provided.

At the end of this training you will receive the official certification of the Reiki Master Teacher.


only on request


information and sign in:



Combination Reiki teacher degree with Reiki Level 3 Master

a combination of the last two Level in together in 2 days is possible.

please ask for possibilities directly to





* This prices are only available in our own studio.

Training at other places will be charged with travel costs.

Please ask for oportunities in your city...




Reiki studio

Am Viehgraben 8, 97337 Dettelbach/Brück